What Does TSS Mean in Cycling?

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Are you new to cycling and want to know what the initials “TSS” mean? If so, you’ve come to the right place.

Read on for a comprehensive overview of what Training Stress Score (TSS) is and how it can be used as a performance metric for cyclists of all levels.

What is TSS?

TSS stands for Training Stress Score and it’s a metric used to measure the intensity of your workouts. It’s based on the amount of time spent riding, the power output, and the elevation gain/loss.

In other words, it takes into account not only how hard you push yourself but also how often you ride.

The higher your TSS score, the harder the workout was – so if you want to track your progress over time, you should pay attention to your TSS numbers.

How is TSS Calculated?

The formula for calculating TSS is actually quite simple: it’s a combination of power (measured in watts) multiplied by duration (measured in hours), plus any elevation gains or losses (measured in meters).

That looks something like this: TSS = (Power x Duration) + Elevation Gain/Loss So if you go for a ride that lasts two hours with an average power output of 200 watts and 400 meters of elevation gain/loss, your TSS would be 800 points. This number gives an indication of how difficult that particular ride was.

What Does TSS Tell You?

The beauty of tracking your Training Stress Score is that it gives you valuable insights into both short-term and long-term trends in your cycling performance.

For example, if you look at your weekly or monthly averages, you can see if your training load has increased or decreased over time.

This can help you figure out if there are any changes in your training regimen that are impacting your performance positively or negatively.

Additionally, since TSS factors in both intensity and frequency of rides, it can provide valuable feedback regarding whether or not you need to rest more or push yourself harder during certain times throughout the season.


Ultimately, understanding what Training Stress Score means and how to use it can give cyclists valuable insights into their own performance and help them make smart decisions about when they should rest and when they should push themselves harder during their training regimens.

By tracking their overall performance metrics over time using this system, cyclists can get an accurate picture of their progress—and make sure they’re working towards peak performance levels each season!